Modern warfare call of duty humble bundle
Modern warfare call of duty humble bundle

modern warfare call of duty humble bundle

There was a real sense of joy in being able to step back into Soap's shoes.Įven the sections of the game which do not follow the revered members of Task Force 141 and instead follow the US Marines make for some incredible set pieces. An absolutely heartbreaking scene, which really gets your blood boiling for the game’s final two levels, returning you (for the first time in the campaign) to the boots of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare’s protagonist, Soap MacTavish to chase down your betrayer. While we’re on the topic of iconic moments, how about General Shepherd's ultimate betrayal? Having chased Makarov throughout the game and being hyper-focused on bringing him down, it was an absolutely shocking moment to watch as Shepherd flicked his cigar onto Ghost and Roaches corpses, all while hearing Price screaming into your ear to not trust Shepherd. Even the loading screen showing Task Force 141 dissolving and being replaced with Soap and Price’s ‘Most Wanted’ mugshots gave me chills as a teenager, and did so again when I played through Beenox’s remaster. While there are plenty of other iconic moments in the Call of Duty series, none quite spring to mind as the locations I mention above. From the diversity of the memorable locations including but not limited to, the Gulag, snow-capped Russian mountains, the Brazilian favela, and war-torn Washington, to the loading screens in between those levels, every moment of this game is enthralling.

modern warfare call of duty humble bundle

While there are a few tips of Price’s bucket hat to the previous entry, the game remains easily accessible if you have skipped the first game.Įvery little detail in this game is carefully crafted to make the ultimate single-player FPS experience. While the campaign of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 follows on from the events of the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, I’d say that the story stands on its own two feet quite well. Name a more thrilling single-player Call of Duty experience.

modern warfare call of duty humble bundle


In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade of gaming, I should advise that spoilers for the original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series will follow. But what stood out most to me while recently replaying the remastered version of this game, was the campaign – and how I feel it may be the best of the bunch. Depending on your taste and time-to-kill preferences offered up by the franchise's various production studios, you could argue that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 had the best multiplayer that the series had to offer. The 2009 follow-up to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is iconic in many ways. Articles // 17th Oct 2020 - 1 year ago // By Piotr Kohnke Why Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Has Arguably the Best Campaign of the Franchise

Modern warfare call of duty humble bundle