Steam the amazing frog
Steam the amazing frog

steam the amazing frog

I messaged Gaz who as always came straight back and said it is a display bug that he will work on at some point. The onesies do stay in the changing room though. A slight bug I’ve found is that the action figures do not always stay on the shelves in the Bazaar after you leave the game and go back in.

steam the amazing frog

Few points to note here – the brown toilets no longer exist for collecting costumes and the changing room is mahoosive! According to the back of the action figure packets there are 69 to collect but to my knowledge there are currently 11 and 2 special onesies to pick up. The action figures then get displayed in the cases in the store and when you go back to check out your changing room you will find it hanging up. All you have to do is hand them in at a new building in Swindon called Fantasy Bazaar. Each box contains a frog dressed in an outfit that will become your new onesie. You have to go in search of action figures. Don’t panic! V3 has a whole new cool way of collecting costumes that are now called onesies. The second thing you will see is that all of your costumes have not transferred across. They are so much cooler than they used to be! You see that everywhere as you move throughout Swindon. V3 starts us off in the Hideout on the sofa just like normal but the first thing you will notice is the graphics. I play on Steam and on starting up Amazing Frog? you can choose whether to load the new V3 or the old V2 – now called Legacy.

#Steam the amazing frog update

Within days though there was an update and after Gaz putting my mind at rest that we wouldn’t lose everything from V2 I took the plunge and installed it.Īnyway, Amazing Frog? V3 is sort of like a whole new game.

steam the amazing frog

In fact, it came out Christmas Eve which totally threw me! After waiting so long I had no idea the update was that imminent! It got off to a bit of a rocky start with lots of people unable to load the new version or play without glitches so I have to be honest and say I held off trying it. January is off to a flying start thanks to Amazing Frog?! Gaz and Hal have been working their socks off for sometime now to bring us V3.

Steam the amazing frog